Digestive Bliss through Small Intestine!

Through the Freedom Code session (emotion releasing technique) I have become aware that my small intestine could use some support. Empowered with this information I utilized all the tools in my holistic wellness tool box and went to work!


I first started to read about small intestine and what it does and quickly came to realize that the majority of digestion happens in our small intestine. Since it’s such a big part of our digestive process, supporting it would improve overall digestion and nutrient absorption. I encourage you to read about the function of your small intestine to educate yourself and get better understanding of how our body works.


We all know that the food we eat has a huge impact on our overall wellness. Diet is the first place to look into for digestive support. Eating a clean diet high in complex, essential fatty acids ad minerals and low in sugary baked goods and acid-producting foods is essential for intestinal health. But even with great diets, we are sometimes lacking the nutrients and enzymes needed for great digestion. Probiotics and digestive enzymes have been great supplements for supporting my digestive system. As well as essential oils that support healthy digestion. I get all my oils and my supplements from Young Living – CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO!


Once I knew my diet was the best I could do and I was supplementing with probiotics and enzymes, I went to search for yoga poses to support the small intestine and came across this article and loved the poses suggested. https://myogastudio.ch/yin-yoga-small-intestine-meridian-poses/ I practiced the poses and realized that since small intestine meridian runs through our arms and our shoulders, these poses would be great shoulder openers as well. I created this VIDEO to share what I learned and demonstrate the poses.


Now diving deeper into small intestine wellness! Every organ vibrates at a certain frequency. When the frequency of the organ goes down due to diet or any other variables, that’s when all these wonderful modalities come into raise the vibrations. The small intestine is supported by Sacral and Solar Plexus chakras. When it’s out of balance you might experience a lack of compassion, charity, lack of hope. When it’s in balance you will experience gut feelings, compassion, love, hope, and source of power.

Oils and supplements to support the small intestine are DiGize, Joy, Hope, Harmony, Purification, Sensation, Peppermint and Fennel. The oils can be applied diluted topically or taken internally ONLY YOUNG LIVING VITALITY OILS CAN BE INGESTED! Supplements that support the small intestine are Comfortone, ICP, Essentialzyme and Inner Defense. YOU CAN GET YOURS HERE!

Affirmations to support the mindset and emotions associated with the small intestine are:

“I have faith, hope and charity”

“I listen to my gut feelings” – notice the connections between gut feelings and small intestine

“I know my source of power”

Open your heart!

In yoga, heart-opening poses are not only beneficial for physical wellbeing but also for emotional healing! Think of phrases like “It hurt my heart”, “My heart felt heavy” etc. These are not just sayings, our heart is an amazing VITAL organ in our body and our overall wellness is dependent on it and therefore opening our heart and softening the general chest area is beneficial to our whole body wellness.

Our heart is associated with the feeling of love. Being able to show love and give love to those around us but also to ourselves. We also need to be able to receive love from those around us. But sometimes due to previous life experiences and the hurts that the heart experienced we choose to close it up. So how do we open it?

~YOGA POSES – heart-opening poses such as Cobra, Cow, Camel, Fish are great at opening the heart.
~AFFIRMATIONS – “I am worthy of the purest love”, “I release and let go of all resentment”, “I am loving to myself and others”, “There is an infinite supply of love”
~OILS – YLANG YLANG. Ylang Ylang is the oil of the heart. When inhaled it helps experience loving feelings towards yourself and others.  
~CRYSTALS/COLORS – Pink quartz is a great crystal to support the heart chakra. Also, the color of green is associated with the heart chakra.

Essential Oils and Inner Work!

Hey friend! I have been working with essentials oils as a part of my inner work and I just love the growth that I am seeing! I have to share it with you!


I just choose an oil to support an area that I am looking to grow in and use that oils along with meditation and affirmations every day for 30 days. I journal what comes up as I inhale it – new idea or old memories that it stired. The more I use the oil the quicker I get into the mindset I am working towards. Consistency is key here.


Great way to choose an oil is with your inner knowing – your gut feeling. If the blend “Believe” resonates with you, use it. If “Forgiveness” speaks to you, use that. You can also use a few oils at the same time. I would not use more than 3, just because it’s a lot of growth and I find it better to “sit” with the feelings you are working on more focused than try and “bang” it all out at once.


1 – Choose an are of growth (Self-Love, Confidence, Trusting yourself, Self-Worth) or notice any patterns that are not serving you (ex. Anxiousness, Defeated, Victim, a great resource for this is “Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils” book by Carolyn Mein)

2 – Choose an oil to work with. Using the book I mentioned above or just intuitively picking an oil for yourself to support your goals.

3 – Drop a drop of that oil on your head and rub a drop in your palms and inhale it. Write down affirmations that help you move in the direction of this new goal. Affirmations are positive statements written in the present time. For example, if we are looking for an affirmation for Self-Love our affirmation can be “I accept myself just the way I am”, “I love myself unconditionally” or you can Google affirmations and choose one that speaks to you.

4 – Put the oil and your affirmation next to your toothbrush to make sure you create a routine of using it day and night! Set a reminder in your phone morning and night to focus on yourself for 5 minutes.

5 – Each day read your affirmation, apply your oil, journal what comes up and meditate. The meditation can be long but it doesn’t have to be. You can start with 2-5 minutes of just standing and cupping your face and inhaling the oil after you brush your teeth. Or you can sit down and meditate on what it would feel like when you grow in the direction you want to grow!

6 – After 10 days notice a shirt. Write it down. Repeat this reflection process after 10 days again. And by day 30 you will see the amazing shifts that you might not even expected in yourself. And your will make this a routine because of how much it nourished you and grew you!


I only work with Young Living oils. Their purity and the way they are produced give them true therapeutic values. After working with these oils for the past 5 years and experiencing amazing benefits physically and emotionally, I am certain these are the best choice. Young Living also creates the most amazing blends of oils. Depending on the growth goals you have you can choose from a variety of blends! Use your intuition, use the “Releasing Emotional Patterns through Essential oils” ass you reference guide and feel free to reach out to me to help guide you in getting started with Young Living as well as which oils to use! I would be honored to support you on your journey to your best self! https://oily.life/katieyev

Wishing you love, light and abundance! Xoxo, Katie

Yoga and essential oils for releasing anger!


It’s a toxic emotion and it has been studied that anger can literally poison our body! Anger can be expressed in many emotions and none of them make us feel good.


Being aware of when you are experiencing the feelings of anger! What causes it? How do you deal with it? If you to be honest with yourself, it is most of the time due to some limiting belief you have about yourself!

Using yoga, affirmations, meditation and essential oils can help release the feelings of anger.

Liver is a body organ associated with the feeling of anger so yoga postures that support liver function will also support releasing anger.

RELEASE and ABUNDANCE are great Young Living blends to use along your yoga practice, meditation practice and affirmations!

Relaxing breathing technique!

Let’s talk about Alternate Nostril Breathing!

Imagine having a tool in your wellness toolbelt that is always with you and helps you feel relaxed, focused and balanced! Learning a breathing technique is easy and so rewarding. You always have your breath with you! And if you don’t have your breath, then we have bigger problems! 

Breathing is the only body function that we can control, so why not take full advantage of it?

This breathing technique is called Nadi Shodhana (nah-dee show-DAH-nah) and it helps you feel calmer, relaxed and balanced.  The literal translation from Sanskrit is Channel (Nadi) cleansing/purifying (Shodhana). 

Benefits of using Essential Oils with this technique!

When we combine this breathing technique with the therapeutic benefits of essential oils, we create an extra tool for ourselves. This technique is great because it only requires your breath so it can be performed anytime anywhere. But when we add oils – Frankincense for grounding, Lavender for calming, Peppermint for uplifting and focus, Valor for courage, Peace&Calming for inner peace and Stress Away to release those stressful feelings – we link the scent of these oils through our sense of smell with our limbic system of the brain. The limbic system is refered to as the “seat of emiotion” so when we smell that scent the next time our brain will link it to the emotion of calmness and balance. If you don’t have the oils yet – here is where you can get yours https://oily.life/katieyev/

Ready to learn this awesome technique! I got a video ready for you! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lw8BS0Twlu8